Friday, November 10, 2006

The leaves, the branches and the roots.

The words and concepts contained in this post are borrowed from Tyler Perry's play, "Medea Goes to Jail".

I have discovered that there are many different kinds of people who come into your life.
The leaves, who give some and take some and then fall away when the going gets tough. They are here for a season and when they fall away you have to let them go. Just let them go as they were never meant to be there for more than what they gave and what they took that season.
Branches are stronger and they give more and take less, but if you step out onto one it is going to break and leave you high and dry when you need them the most. Let Them Go!
When you find the friends who are roots, the ones who stick by you no matter what, support you without needing proof or verification then hang on to them. You may only find 2 or 3, but they will stay forever.
I have let go of the leaves and the branches and this latest event has shown me peoples depth, or lack thereof. But the roots in my life have the depth of roots and I have made it through because of them.
The leaves and branches are already gone and I won't think of them or remember them much at all soon. Some I have totally let go and don't think of them at all. That is mental health.
I thank all of the friends I have had whether for a season or forever as I have learned lessons that have caused me to grow and will stand me in good stead as I continue through life.
Thank you all.


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